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< Главная страницаСтр. 8Страницы: | Стр. 1 | Стр. 2 | Стр. 3 | Стр. 4 | Стр. 5 | Стр. 6 | Стр. 7 | Стр. 8 | Стр. 9 | Статья 4. Международный характер обязательства 1) Обязательство является международным, если указанные в обязательстве коммерческие предприятия любых двух из следующих лиц находятся в различных государствах: гарант/эмитент, бенефициар, принципал/приказодатель, инструктирующая сторона, подтверждающая сторона. 2) Для целей предыдущего пункта: а) если в обязательстве указано более одного коммерческого предприятия данного лица, соответствующим коммерческим предприятием является то, которое имеет наиболее тесную связь с обязательством; b) если в обязательстве не указано коммерческое предприятие данного лица, но указано его постоянное местожительство, это местожительство считается достаточным для определения международного характера обязательства. Глава II. ТОЛКОВАНИЕСтатья 5. Принципы толкования При толковании настоящей Конвенции должен учитываться ее международный характер и необходимость обеспечения единообразия в ее применении и соблюдения добросовестности в международной практике независимых гарантий и резервных аккредитивов. Статья 6. Определения Для целей настоящей Конвенции и если иное не указано в положениях настоящей Конвенции или не требуется в соответствии с контекстом: а) "обязательство" включает "контргарантию" и "подтверждение обязательства"; b) "гарант/эмитент" включает "контргаранта" и "подтверждающую сторону"; с) "контргарантия" означает обязательство, выдаваемое гаранту/эмитенту другого обязательства его инструктирующей стороной и предусматривающее платеж по простому требованию или по требованию с представлением других документов в соответствии с любыми документарными условиями обязательства, указывающими или из которых следует, что платеж по такому другому обязательству был востребован от лица, выдавшего это другое обязательство, или осуществлен им; d) "контргарант" означает лицо, выдающее контргарантию; e) "подтверждение" обязательства означает обязательство, выданное в дополнение к обязательству гаранта/эмитента по поручению гаранта/эмитента и предоставляющее бенефициару право по своему выбору востребовать платеж у подтверждающей стороны вместо гаранта/эмитента по простому требованию или по требованию с представлением других документов в соответствии с любыми документарными условиями подтвержденного обязательства без ущерба для права бенефициара востребовать платеж у гаранта/эмитента; f) "подтверждающая сторона" означает лицо, дополняющее обязательство подтверждением; g) "документ" означает сообщение, сделанное в форме, позволяющей обеспечить полную регистрацию содержащейся в нем информации. Глава III. ФОРМА И СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВАСтатья 7. Выдача, форма и безотзывность обязательства 1) Выдача обязательства происходит в тот момент и в том месте, когда и где обязательство покидает сферу контроля соответствующего гаранта/эмитента. 2) Обязательство может быть выдано в любой форме, которая позволяет обеспечить полную регистрацию текста обязательства и произвести удостоверение подлинности его источника при помощи общепризнанных средств или процедуры, согласованной между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром. 3) Требование платежа может предъявляться в соответствии с условиями обязательства с момента его выдачи, если в обязательстве не указано иного срока. 4) Обязательство является безотзывным с момента выдачи, если в нем не указано, что оно является отзывным. Статья 8. Изменение 1) Обязательство может быть изменено только в форме, указанной в самом обязательстве, или, в отсутствие такого указания, в форме, указанной в пункте 2 статьи 7. 2) Если иное не оговорено в обязательстве или иным образом не согласовано между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром, обязательство считается измененным с момента выдачи изменения, если бенефициар заранее дал на него разрешение. 3) Если иное не оговорено в обязательстве или иным образом не согласовано между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром, тогда как бенефициар заранее не дал разрешение на какое-либо изменение, обязательство считается измененным, только когда гарант/эмитент получит уведомление о согласии бенефициара на изменение в форме, указанной в пункте 2 статьи 7. 4) Изменение обязательства не затрагивает прав и обязанностей принципала/приказодателя (или инструктирующей стороны) или подтверждающей стороны обязательства, если только такое лицо не дает согласия на это изменение. Статья 9. Передача права бенефициара требовать платеж 1) Право бенефициара требовать платеж может быть передано, только если это разрешено в обязательстве, а также только в том объеме и таким образом, как это разрешено в обязательстве. 2) Если обязательство определено в качестве разрешенного к передаче и прямо не указывается, требуется ли согласие гаранта/эмитента или иного уполномоченного лица на фактическую передачу, ни гарант/эмитент, ни любое другое уполномоченное лицо не обязаны осуществлять передачу, иначе как в том объеме и таким образом, на которые они прямо дали свое согласие. Статья 10. Уступка поступлений 1) Если иное не оговорено в обязательстве или иным образом не согласовано между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром, бенефициар может уступить другому лицу любые поступления, на которые он может иметь или может получить право согласно обязательству. 2) Если гарант/эмитент или другое лицо, обязанное произвести платеж, получает уведомление, исходящее от бенефициара, в форме, указанной в пункте 2 статьи 7, о совершении им безотзывной уступки, платеж цессионарию освобождает должника в объеме его платежа от ответственности по данному обязательству. Статья 11. Прекращение права требовать платеж 1) Право бенефициара требовать платеж по обязательству прекращается, когда: a) гарант/эмитент получил заявление бенефициара об освобождении от ответственности в форме, указанной в пункте 2 статьи 7; b) бенефициар и гарант/эмитент выразили согласие на прекращение обязательства в форме, указанной в обязательстве, или, при отсутствии такого указания, в форме, указанной в пункте 2 статьи 7; с) сумма обязательства была уплачена, за исключением случаев, когда обязательство предусматривает автоматическое возобновление или автоматическое увеличение этой суммы или иным образом предусматривает продолжение действия обязательства; d) срок действия обязательства истекает в соответствии с положениями статьи 12. 2) В обязательстве может быть указано, или гарант/эмитент и бенефициар могут иным образом договориться о том, что возвращение документа, содержащего обязательство, гаранту/эмитенту или соблюдение процедуры, функционально эквивалентной возвращению документа в случае, когда обязательство выдано в небумажной форме, необходимо для прекращения права требования платежа само по себе или в сочетании с одним из событий, указанных в подпунктах (а) и (b) пункта 1 настоящей статьи. Однако удержание любого такого документа бенефициаром после прекращения права требования платежа в соответствии с подпунктом (с) или (d) пункта 1 настоящей статьи ни в коем случае не сохраняет за бенефициаром каких-либо прав по обязательству. Статья 12. Истечение срока действия Срок действия обязательства истекает: а) по наступлении даты истечения срока действия, которая может представлять собой оговоренную календарную дату или последний день фиксированного срока, указанного в обязательстве, при условии, что, если дата истечения срока действия является нерабочим днем в месте нахождения коммерческого предприятия гаранта/эмитента, в котором выдано обязательство, или иного лица или в ином месте, указанном в обязательстве для целей представления требования платежа, срок действия истекает в первый следующий рабочий день; b) если истечение срока действия зависит согласно обязательству от совершения какого-либо действия или наступления события, не входящего в сферу деятельности гаранта/эмитента, - когда гаранта/эмитента информируют о том, что действие или событие имело место на основании представления документа, указанного для этой цели в обязательстве, или, если такой документ не указан, на основании удостоверения бенефициаром того, что такое действие или событие имело место; с) если в обязательстве не указана дата истечения срока действия или если совершение указанного действия или наступление события, от которых зависит истечение срока действия, еще не установлено путем представления требуемого документа и дата истечения срока действия не указана дополнительно, - по прошествии шести лет с даты выдачи обязательства. Глава IV. ПРАВА, ОБЯЗАННОСТИ И ВОЗРАЖЕНИЯСтатья 13. Определение прав и обязанностей 1) Права и обязанности гаранта/эмитента и бенефициара, вытекающие из обязательства, определяются условиями, установленными в обязательстве, включая конкретно упомянутые в нем правила, общие условия или обычаи, а также положения настоящей Конвенции. 2) При толковании условий обязательства и урегулировании вопросов, не охваченных условиями обязательства или положениями настоящей Конвенции, учитываются общепризнанные международные правила и обычаи практики независимых гарантий и резервных аккредитивов. Статья 14. Стандарт поведения, ответственность гаранта/эмитента 1) При исполнении своих обязанностей по обязательству и настоящей Конвенции гарант/эмитент действует добросовестно и проявляет разумную осмотрительность, должным образом учитывая общепризнанные стандарты международной практики независимых гарантий или резервных аккредитивов. 2) Гарант/эмитент не может быть освобожден от ответственности за недобросовестные действия или за грубую небрежность. Статья 15. Требование 1) Любое требование платежа по обязательству предъявляется в форме, указанной в пункте 2 статьи 7, и в соответствии с условиями обязательства. 2) Если иное не оговорено в обязательстве, требование и любое удостоверение или иной документ, требуемый по обязательству, представляется гаранту/эмитенту в течение срока, в который может быть предъявлено требование платежа, в месте выдачи обязательства. 3) Считается, что при требовании платежа бенефициар удостоверяет, что его требование не является недобросовестным и что не присутствует ни один из элементов, упомянутых в подпунктах (а), (b) и (с) пункта 1 статьи 19. Статья 16. Рассмотрение требования и сопровождающих документов 1) Гарант/эмитент рассматривает требование и любые сопровождающие документы в соответствии со стандартом поведения, указанным в пункте 1 статьи 14. При определении того, соответствуют ли эти документы по внешним признакам условиям обязательства и согласуются ли они друг с другом, гарант/эмитент должным образом учитывает международный стандарт практики независимых гарантий и резервных аккредитивов. 2) Если иное не оговорено в обязательстве или иным образом не согласовано между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром, гаранту/эмитенту предоставляется разумный срок, однако не более семи рабочих дней, отсчитываемых со следующего дня после дня получения требования и любых сопровождающих документов, для: а) рассмотрения требования и любых сопровождающих документов; b) принятия решения о платеже; с) направления соответствующего уведомления бенефициару, если принимается решение не производить платеж. Уведомление, упомянутое в подпункте (с) выше, если иное не оговорено в обязательстве или иным образом не согласовано между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром, направляется с помощью электронных средств связи или, если это невозможно, других оперативных средств, и в нем указывается основание для решения не производить платеж. Статья 17. Платеж 1) С учетом статьи 19 гарант/эмитент производит платеж по требованию, представленному в соответствии с положениями статьи 15. После определения соответствия требования платежа условиям обязательства платеж производится незамедлительно, если только в обязательстве не оговорена отсрочка платежа, и в этом случае платеж производится в оговоренный срок. 2) Любой платеж по требованию, не соответствующий положениям статьи 15, не затрагивает прав принципала/приказодателя. Статья 18. Зачет Если иное не оговорено в обязательстве или иным образом не согласовано между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром, гарант/эмитент может произвести платеж по обязательству путем использования права зачета требований, за исключением любого требования, уступленного ему принципалом/приказодателем или инструктирующей стороной. Статья 19. Исключение из обязательства производить платеж 1) Если совершенно очевидно, что: а) какой-либо документ не является подлинным или был подделан, b) платеж не причитается на основании, указанном в требовании и вспомогательных документах; или с) с учетом вида и цели обязательства для требования не имеется достаточных оснований, гарант/эмитент, действуя добросовестно, имеет по отношению к бенефициару право приостановить платеж. 2) Для целей подпункта (с) пункта 1 настоящей статьи требование не имеет достаточных оснований в следующих случаях: а) обстоятельство или риск, на случай которых обязательство должно было обеспечить бенефициара, бесспорно, не возникли; b) основное обязательство принципала/приказодателя объявлено недействительным судом или арбитражем, если только в обязательстве не указано, что такое обстоятельство охватывается риском, на случай которого выдано обязательство; с) основное обязательство, бесспорно, было исполнено удовлетворительным для бенефициара образом; d) исполнению основного обязательства явно воспрепятствовало умышленное неправомерное поведение бенефициара; e) при предъявлении требования по контргарантии бенефициар этой контргарантии, действуя в качестве гаранта/эмитента обязательства, к которому относится данная контргарантия, недобросовестно производит платеж. 3) В обстоятельствах, упомянутых в подпунктах (а), (b) и (с) пункта 1 настоящей статьи, принципал/приказодатель имеет право на временные судебные меры согласно статье 20. Глава V. ВРЕМЕННЫЕ СУДЕБНЫЕ МЕРЫСтатья 20. Временные судебные меры 1) В случае, когда на основании заявления принципала/приказодателя или инструктирующей стороны можно сделать вывод, что существует большая вероятность того, что в требовании, которое предъявлено или предположительно будет предъявлено бенефициаром, присутствует одно из обстоятельств, указанных в подпунктах (а), (b) и (с) пункта 1 статьи 19, суд на основании непосредственно имеющихся в его распоряжении веских доказательств может: a) выдать предварительный приказ, запрещающий бенефициару принимать платеж, включая приказ о задержании гарантом/эмитентом средств по обязательству, или b) выдать предварительный приказ о блокировании поступлений по обязательству, уплаченных бенефициару, с учетом того, что отсутствие такого приказа могло бы причинить принципалу/приказодателю серьезный ущерб. 2) При выдаче предварительного приказа, упомянутого в пункте 1 настоящей статьи, суд может потребовать от лица, ходатайствующего о таком приказе, представить такой вид обеспечения, который суд сочтет необходимым. 3) Суд не может выдать предварительный приказ, о котором говорится в пункте 1 настоящей статьи, на основании какого-либо возражения против платежа, иного, чем возражения, указанные в подпунктах (а), (b) и (с) пункта 1 статьи 19, или в случае использования обязательства в преступных целях. Глава VI. КОЛЛИЗИЯ НОРМ ПРАВАСтатья 21. Выбор применимого права Обязательство регулируется правом, выбор которого: а) оговорен в обязательстве или вытекает из условий обязательства; или b) иным образом согласован между гарантом/эмитентом и бенефициаром. Статья 22. Определение применимого права В отсутствие выбора права в соответствии со статьей 21 обязательство регулируется правом государства, где находится коммерческое предприятие гаранта/эмитента, в котором обязательство было выдано. Глава VII. ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯСтатья 23. Депозитарий Депозитарием настоящей Конвенции является Генеральный секретарь Организации Объединенных Наций. Статья 24. Подписание, ратификация, принятие, утверждение, присоединение 1) Настоящая Конвенция открыта для подписания всеми государствами в Центральных учреждениях Организации Объединенных Наций в Нью-Йорке до... (дата через два года после даты принятия). 2) Настоящая Конвенция подлежит ратификации, принятию или утверждению подписавшими ее государствами. 3) Настоящая Конвенция открыта для присоединения всех не подписавших ее государств с даты открытия ее для подписания. 4) Ратификационные грамоты, документы о принятии, утверждении и присоединении сдаются на хранение Генеральному секретарю Организации Объединенных Наций. Статья 25. Применение в отношении территориальных единиц 1) Если государство имеет две или более территориальные единицы, в которых применяются различные системы права по вопросам, являющимся предметом регулирования настоящей Конвенции, то оно может в момент подписания, ратификации, принятия, утверждения или присоединения заявить, что настоящая Конвенция распространяется на все его территориальные единицы или только на одну или несколько из них, и может в любое время представить другое заявление вместо ранее сделанного. 2) В этих заявлениях должны ясно указываться территориальные единицы, на которые распространяется Конвенция. 3) Если в силу заявления, сделанного в соответствии с данной статьей, настоящая Конвенция распространяется не на все территориальные единицы какого-либо государства, а месторасположение коммерческого предприятия гаранта/эмитента или бенефициара находится в территориальной единице, на которую Конвенция не распространяется, это коммерческое предприятие не рассматривается как находящееся в Договаривающемся государстве. 4) Если государство не делает заявления в соответствии с пунктом 1 настоящей статьи, Конвенция распространяется на все территориальные единицы этого государства. Статья 26. Вступление заявления в силу 1) Заявления в соответствии со статьей 25, сделанные во время подписания, подлежат подтверждению при ратификации, принятии или утверждении. 2) Заявления и подтверждения заявлений делаются в письменной форме и официально сообщаются депозитарию. 3) Заявление вступает в силу одновременно со вступлением в силу настоящей Конвенции в отношении соответствующего государства. Однако заявление, о котором депозитарий получает официальное уведомление после такого вступления в силу, вступает в силу с первого дня месяца по истечении шести месяцев после даты его получения депозитарием. 4) Любое государство, которое делает заявление в соответствии со статьей 25, может отказаться от него в любое время посредством официального уведомления в письменной форме на имя депозитария. Такой отказ вступает в силу с первого дня месяца по истечении шести месяцев после даты получения уведомления депозитарием. Статья 27. Оговорки Никакие оговорки не могут быть сделаны к настоящей Конвенции. Статья 28. Вступление и силу 1) Настоящая Конвенция вступает в силу с первого дня месяца по истечении одного года после даты сдачи на хранение пятой ратификационной грамоты или документа о принятии, утверждении или присоединении. 2) Для каждого государства, становящегося Договаривающимся государством настоящей Конвенции после даты сдачи на хранение пятой ратификационной грамоты или документа о принятии, утверждении или присоединении, настоящая Конвенция вступает в силу с первого дня месяца по истечении одного года после даты сдачи на хранение соответствующего Документа от имени этого государства. 3) Настоящая Конвенция применяется только к обязательствам, выданным в дату вступления или после даты вступления настоящей Конвенции в силу для Договаривающегося государства, упомянутого в подпункте (а), или Договаривающегося государства, упомянутого в подпункте (b) пункта 1 статьи 1. Статья 29. Денонсация 1) Настоящая Конвенция может быть в любое время денонсирована Договаривающимся государством путем направления депозитарию письменного уведомления. 2) Денонсация приобретает силу с первого дня месяца по истечении одного года после получения депозитарием такого уведомления. Если в уведомлении указан более длительный срок, то денонсация приобретает силу по истечении этого срока после получения депозитарием такого уведомления. СОВЕРШЕНО 11 декабря тысяча девятьсот девяносто пятого года в единственном экземпляре, тексты которого на английском, арабском, испанском, китайском, русском и французском языках являются равно аутентичными. В УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ ЧЕГО нижеподписавшиеся полномочные представители, должным образом уполномоченные своими правительствами, подписали настоящую Конвенцию. 7. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ПРАКТИКА РЕЗЕРВНЫХ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВ (публикация Международной торговой палаты N 590, редакция 1998 года) (текст на английском языке и перевод на русский язык)INTERNATIONAL STANDBY PRACTICES ISP98Rule 1 GENERAL PROVISIONSScope, Application, Definitions, and Interpretation of These Rules1.01 Scope and Application a. These Rules are intended to be applied to standby letters of credit (including performance, financial and direct pay standby letters of credit). b. A standby letter of credit or other similar undertaking, however named or described, whether for domestic or international use, may be made subject to these Rules by express refernce to them. c. An undertaking subject to these Rules may expressly modify or exclude their application. d. An undertaking subject to these Rules is hereinafter referred to as a "standby". 1.02 Relationship to Law and Other Rules a. These Rules supplement the applicable law to the extent not prohibited by that law. b. These Rules supersede conflicting provisions in any other rules of practice to which a standby letter of credit is also made subject. 1.03 Interpretative Principles These Rules shall be interpreted as mercantile usage with regard for: a. integrity of standbys as reliable and efficient undertakings to pay; b. practice and terminology of banks and businesses in day-today transactions; с. consistency within the worldwide system of banking operations and commerce; and d. worldwide uniformity in their interpretation and application. 1.04 Effect of the Rules Unless the context otherwise requires, or unless expressly modified or excluded, these Rules apply as terms and conditions incorporated into a standby, confirmation, advice, nomination, amendment, transfer, request for issuance, or other agreement of: i. the issuer; ii. the beneficiary to the extent it uses the standby; iii. any advisor; iv. any confirmer; v. any person nominated in the standby who acts or agrees to act; and vi. the applicant who authorises issuance of the standby or otherwise agrees to the application of these Rules. 1.05 Exclusion of Matters Related to Due Issuance and Fraudulent or Abusive Drawing These Rules do not define or otherwise provide for: a. power or authority to issue a standby; b. formal requirements for execution of a standby (e.g. a signed writing); or c. defenses to honour based on fraud, abuse, or similar matters. These matters are left to applicable law. General Principles1.06 Nature of Standbys a. A standby is an irrevocable, independent, documentary, and binding undertaking when issued and need not so state. b. Because a standby is irrevocable, an issuer's obligations under a standby cannot be amended or cancelled by the issuer except as provided in the standby or as consented to by the person against whom the amendment or cancellation is asserted. c. Because a standby is independent, the enforceability of an issuer's obligations under a standby does not depend on: i. the issuer's right or ability to obtain reimbursement from the applicant; ii. the beneficiary's right to obtain payment from the applicant; iii. a reference in the standby to any reimbursement agreement or underlying transaction; or iv. the issuer's knowledge of performance or breach of any reimbursement agreement or underlying transaction. d. Because a standby is documentary, an issuers obligations depend on the presentation of documents and an examination of required documents on their face. e. Because a standby or amendment is binding when issued, it is enforceable against an issuer whether or not the applicant authorised its issuance, the issuer received a fee, or the beneficiary received or relied on the standby or the amendment. 1.07 Independence of the Issuer-Beneficiary Relationship An issuer's obligations toward the beneficiary are not affected by the issuer's rights and obligations toward the applicant under any applicable agreement, practice, or law. 1.08 Limits to Responsibilities An issuer is not responsible for: a. performance or breach of any underlying transaction; b. accuracy, genuineness, or effect of any document presented under the standby; c. action or omission of others even if the other person is chosen by the issuer or nominated person; or d. observance of law or practice other than that chosen in the standby or applicable at the place of issuance. Terminology1.09 Defined Terms In addition to the meanings given in standard banking practice and applicable law, the following terms have or include the meanings indicated below: a. Definitions "Applicant" is a person who applies for issuance of a standby or for whose account it is issued, and includes (i) a person applying in its own name but for the account of another person or (ii) an issuer acting for its own account. "Beneficiary" is a named person who is entitled to draw under a standby. See Rule 1.11 (c)(ii). "Business Day" means a day on which the place of business at which the relevant act is to be performed is regularly open; and "Banking Day" means a day on which the relevant bank is regularly open at the place at which the relevant act is to be performed. "Confirmer" is a person who, upon an issuer's nomination to do so, adds to the issuer's undertaking its own undertaking to honour a standby. See Rule 1.11 (c)(i). "Demand" means, depending on the context, either a request to honour a standby or a document that makes such request. "Document" means a draft, demand, document of title, investment security, invoice, certificate of default, or any other representation of fact, law, right, or opinion, that upon presentation (whether in a paper or electronic medium), is capable of being examined for compliance with the terms and conditions of a standby. "Drawing" means, depending on the context, either a demand presented or a demand honoured. "Expiration Date" means the latest day for a complying presentation provided in a standby. "Person" includes a natural person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, government agency, bank, trustee, and any other legal or commercial association or entity. "Presentation" means, depending on the context, either the act of delivering documents for examination under a standby or the documents so delivered. "Presenter" is a person who makes a presentation as or on behalf of a beneficiary or nominated person. "Signature" includes any symbol executed or adopted by a person with a present intent to authenticate a document. b. Cross References "Amendment" - Rule 2.06 "Advice" - Rule 2.05 "Approximately" ("About" or "Circa") - Rule 3.08(f) "Assignment of Proceeds" - Rule 6.06 "Automatic Amendment" - Rule 2.06(a) "Copy" - Rule 4.15(d) "Cover Instructions" - Rule 5.08 "Honour" - Rule 2.01 "Issuer" - Rule 2.01 "Multiple Presentations" - Rule 3.08(b) "Nominated Person" - Rule 2.04 "Non-documentary Conditions" - Rule 4.11 "Original" - Rule 4.15(b)&(c) "Partial Drawing" - Rule 3.08(a) "Standby" - Rule 1.01(d) "Transfer" - Rule 6.01 "Transferee Beneficiary" - Rule 1.11(c)(ii) "Transfer by Operation of Law" - Rule 6.11 c. Electronic Presentations The following terms in a standby providing for or permitting electronic presentation shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires: "Electronic Record" means: i. a record (information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form); ii. communicated by electronic means to a system for receiving, storing, retransmitting, or otherwise processing information (data, text, images, sounds, codes, computer programs, software, databases, and the like); and iii. capable of being authenticated and then examined for compliance with the terms and conditions of the standby. "Authenticate" means to verify an electronic record by generally accepted procedure or methodology in commercial practice: i. the identity of a sender or source, and ii. the integrity of or errors in the transmission of information content. The criteria for assessing the integrity of information in an electronic record is whether the information has remained complete and unaltered, apart from the addition of any endorsement and any change which arises in the normal course of communication, storage, and display. "Electronic signature" means letters, characters, numbers, or other symbols in electronic form, attached to or logically associated with an electronic record that are executed or adopted by a party with present intent to authenticate an electronic record. "Receipt" occurs when: i. an electronic record enters in a form capable of being processed by the information system designated in the standby, or ii. an issuer retrieves an electronic record sent to an information system other than that designated by the issuer. 1.10 Redundant or Otherwise Undesirable Terms a. A standby should not or need not state that it is: i. unconditional or abstract (if it does, it signifies merely that payment under it is conditioned solely on presentation of specified documents); ii. absolute (if it does, it signifies merely that it is irrevocable); iii. primary (if it does, it signifies merely that it is the independent obligation of the issuer); iv. payable from the issuer's own funds (if it does, it signifies merely that payment under it does not depend on the availability of applicant funds and is made to satisfy the issuer's own independent obligation); v. clean or payable on demand (if it does, it signifies merely that it is payable upon presentation of a written demand or other documents specified in the standby). b. A standby should not use the term "and/or" (if it does, it means either or both). c. The following terms have no single accepted meaning: i. and shall be disregarded: "callable", "divisible", "fractionable", "indivisible", and "transmissible", ii. and shall be disregarded unless their context gives them meaning: "assignable", "evergreen", "reinstate", and "revolving". 1.11 Interpretation of These Rules a. These Rules, are to be interpreted in the context of applicable standard practice. b. In these Rules, "standby letter of credit" refers to the type of independent undertaking for which these Rules were intended, whereas "standby" refers to an undertaking subjected to these Rules. c. Unless the context otherwise requires: i. "Issuer" includes a "confirmer" as if the confirmer were a separate issuer and its confirmation were a separate standby issued for the account of the issuer; ii "Beneficiary" includes a person to whom the named beneficiary has effectively transferred drawing rights ("transferee beneficiary"); iii. "Including" means "including but not limited to"; iv. "A or B" means "A or B or both"; "either A or B" means "A or B, but not both"; and "A and B" means "both A and B"; v. Words in the singular number include the plural, and in the plural include the singular; and vi. Words if the neuter gender include any gender. d. i. Use of the phrase "unless a standby otherwise states" or the like in a rule emphasizes that the text of the standby controls over the rule; ii. Absence of such a phrase in other rules does not imply that other rules have priority over the text of the standby; iii. Addition of the term "expressly" or "clearly" to the phrase "unless a standby otherwise states" or the like emphasizes that the rule should be excluded or modified only by wording in the standby that is specific and unambiguous; and iv. While the effect of all of these Rules may be varied by the text of the standby, variations of the effect of some of these Rules may disqualify the standby as an independent undertaking under applicable law. e. The phrase "stated in the standby" or the like refers to the actual text of a standby (whether as issued or effectively amended) whereas the phrase "provided in the standby" or the like refers to both the text of the standby and these Rules as incorporated. Rule 2 OBLIGATIONS2.01 Undertaking to Honour by Issuer and Any Confirmer to Beneficiary a. An issuer undertakes to the beneficiary to honour a presentation that appears on its face to comply with the terms and conditions of the standby in accordance with these Rules supplemented by standard standby practice. b. An issuer honours a complying presentation made to it by paying the amount demanded of it at sight, unless the standby provides for honour: i. by acceptance of a draft drawn by the beneficiary on the issuer, in which case the issuer honours by: (a) timely accepting the draft; and (b) thereafter paying the holder of the draft on presentation of the accepted draft on or after its maturity. ii. by deferred payment of a demand made by the beneficiary on the issuer, in which case the issuer honours by: (a) timely incurring a deferred payment obligation; and (b) thereafter paying at maturity. iii. by negotiation, in which case the issuer honours by paying the amount demanded at sight without recourse. c. An issuer acts in a timely manner if it pays at sight, accepts a draft, or undertakes a deferred payment obligation (or if it gives notice of dishonour) within the time permitted for examining the presentation and giving notice of dishonour. d. i. A confirmer undertakes to honour a complying presentation made to it by paying the amount demanded of it at sight or, if the standby so states, by another method of honour consistent with the issuer's undertaking. ii. If the confirmation permits presentation to the issuer, then the confirmer undertakes also to honour upon the issuer's wrongful dishonour by performing as if the presentation had been made to the confirmer. iii. If the standby permits presentation to the confirmer, then the issuer undertakes also to honour upon the confirmer's wrongful dishonour by performing as if the presentation had been made to the issuer. e. An issuer honours by paying in immediately available funds in the currency designated in the standby unless the standby states it is payable by: i. payment of a monetary unit of account, in which case the undertaking is to pay in that unit of account; or ii. delivery of other items of value, in which case the undertaking is to deliver those items. 2.02 Obligation of Different Branches, Agencies, or Other Offices For the purposes of these Rules, an issuers branch, agency, or other office acting or undertaking to act under a standby in a capacity other than as issuer is obligated in that capacity only and shall be treated as a different person. 2.03 Conditions to Issuance A standby is issued when it leaves an issuer's control unless it clearly specifies that it is not then "issued" or "enforceable". Statements that a standby is not "available", "operative", "effective", or the like do not affect its irrevocable and binding nature at the time it leaves the issuer's control. 2.04 Nomination а. A standby may nominate a person to advise, receive a presentation, effect a transfer, confirm, pay, negotiate, incur a deferred payment obligation, or accept a draft. b. Nomination does not obligate the nominated person to act except to the extent that the nominated person undertakes to act. c. A nominated person is not authorised to bind the person making the nomination. 2.05 Advice of Standby or Amendment a. Unless an advice states otherwise, it signifies that: i. the advisor has checked the apparent authenticity of the advised message in accordance with standard letter of credit practice; and ii. the advice accurately reflects what has been received. b. A person who is requested to advise a standby and decides not to do so should notify the requesting party. 2.06 When an Amendment is Authorised and Binding a. If a standby expressly states that it is subject to "automatic amendment" by an increase or decrease in the amount available, an extension of the expiration date, or the like, the amendment is effective automatically without any further notification or consent beyond that expressly provided for in the standby. (Such an amendment may also be referred to as becoming effective "without amendment"). b. If there is no provision for automatic amendment, an amendment binds: i. the issuer when it leaves the issuer's control; and ii. the confirmer when it leaves the confirmer's control, unless the confirmer indicates that it does not confirm the amendment. c. If there is no provision for automatic amendment: i. the beneficiary must consent to the amendment for it to be binding; ii. the beneficiary's consent must be made by an express communication to the person advising the amendment unless the beneficiary presents documents which comply with the standby as amended and which would not comply with the standby prior to such amendment; and iii. an amendment does not require the applicant's consent to be binding on the issuer, the confirmer, or the beneficiary. d. Consent to only part of an amendment is a rejection of the entire amendment. 2.07 Routing of Amendments a. An issuer using another person to advise a standby must advise all amendments to that person. b. An amendment or cancellation of a standby does not affect the issuer's obligation to a nominated person that has acted within the scope of its nomination before receipt of notice of the amendment or cancellation. c. Non-extension of an automatically extendable (renewable) standby does not affect an issuer's obligation to a nominated person who has acted within the scope of its nomination before receipt of a notice of non-extension. Rule 3 PRESENTATION3.01 Complying Presentation Under a Standby A standby should indicate the time, place and location within that place, person to whom and medium in which presentation should be made. If so, presentation must be so made in order to comply. To the extent that a standby does not so indicate, presentation must be made in accordance with these Rules in order to be complying. 3.02 What Constitutes a Presentation The receipt of a document required by and presented under a standby constitutes a presentation requiring examination for compliance with the terms and conditions of the standby even if not all of the required documents have been presented. 3.03 Identification of Standby a. A presentation must identify the standby under which the presentation is made. b. A presentation may identify the standby by stating the complete reference number of the standby and the name and location of the issuer or by attaching the original or a copy of the standby. c. If the issuer cannot determine from the face of a document received that it should be processed under a standby or cannot identify the standby to which it relates, presentation is deemed to have been made on the date of identification. 3.04 Where and to Whom Complying Presentation Made a. To comply, a presentation must be made at the place and any location at that place indicated in the standby or provided in these Rules. b. If no place of presentation to the issuer is indicated in the standby, presentation to the issuer must be made at the place of business from which the standby was issued. c. If a standby is confirmed, but no place for presentation is indicated in the confirmation, presentation for the purpose of obligating the confirmer (and the issuer) must be made at the place of business of the confirmer from which the confirmation was issued or to the issuer. d. If no location at a place of presentation is indicated (such as department, floor, room, station, mail stop, post office box, or other location), presentation may be made to: i. the general postal address indicated in the standby; ii. any location at the place designated to receive deliveries of mail or documents; or iii. any person at the place of presentation actually or apparently authorised to receive it. 3.05 When Timely Presentation Made a. A presentation is timely if made at any time after issuance and before expiry on the expiration date. b. A presentation made after the close of business at the place of presentation is deemed to have been made on the next business day. 3.06 Complying Medium of Presentation a. To comply, a document must be presented in the medium indicated in the standby. b. Where no medium is indicated, to comply a document must be presented as a paper document, unless only a demand is required, in which case: i. a demand that is presented via S.W.I.F.T., tested telex, or other similar authenticated means by a beneficiary that is a S.W.I.F.T. participant or a bank complies; otherwise ii. a demand that is not presented as a paper document does not comply unless the issuer permits, in its sole discretion, the use of that medium. c. A document is not presented as a paper document if it is communicated by electronic means even if the issuer or nominated person receiving it generates a paper document from it. d. Where presentation in an electronic medium is indicated, to comply a document must be presented as an electronic record capable of being authenticated by the issuer or nominated person to whom it is presented. 3.07 Separateness of Each Presentation a. Making a non-complying presentation, withdrawing a presentation, or failing to make any one of a number of scheduled or permitted presentations does not waive or otherwise prejudice the right to make another timely presentation or a timely re-presentation whether or not the standby prohibits partial or multiple drawings or presentations. b. Wrongful dishonour of a complying presentation does not constitute dishonour of any other presentation under a standby or repudiation of the standby. c. Honour of a non-complying presentation, with or without notice of its non-compliance, does not waive requirements of a standby for other presentations. 3.08 Partial Drawing and Multiple Presentations; Amount of Drawings a. A presentation may be made for less than the full amount available ("partial drawing"). b. More than one presentation ("multiple presentations") may be made. c. The statement "partial drawings prohibited" or a similar expression means that a presentation must be for the full amount available. d. The statement "multiple drawings prohibited" or a similar expression means that only one presentation may be made and honoured but that it may be for less than the full amount available. e. If a demand exceeds the amount available under the standby, the drawing is discrepant. Any document other than the demand stating an amount in excess of the amount demanded is not discrepant for that reason. f. Use of "approximately", "about", "circa", or a similar word permits a tolerance not to exceed 10% more or 10% less of the amount to which such word refers. 3.09 Extend or Pay A beneficiary's request to extend the expiration date of the standby or, alternatively, to pay the amount available under it: a. is a presentation demanding payment under the standby, to be examined as such in accordance with these Rules; and b. implies that the beneficiary: i. consents to the amendment to extend the expiry date to the date requested; ii. requests the issuer to exercise its discretion to seek the approval of the applicant and to issue that amendment; iii. upon issuance of that amendment, retracts its demand for payment; and iv. consents to the maximum time available under these Rules for examination and notice of dishonour. 3.10 No Notice of Receipt of Presentation An issuer is not required to notify the applicant of receipt of a presentation under the standby. 3.11 Issuer Waiver and Applicant Consent to Waiver of Presentation Rules In addition to other discretionary provisions in a standby or these Rules, an issuer may, in its sole discretion, without notice to or consent of the applicant and without effect on the applicant's obligations to the issuer, waive a. the following Rules and any similar terms stated in the standby which are primarily for the issuer's benefit or operational convenience: i. treatment of documents received, at the request of the presenter, as having been presented at a later date (Rule 3.02); ii. identification of a presentation to the standby under which it is presented (Rule 3.03(a)); iii. where and to whom presentation is made (Rule 3.04(b), (c), and (d)), except the country of presentation stated in the standby; or iv. treatment of a presentation made after the close of business as if it were made on the next business day (Rule 3.05(b)). b. the following Rule but not similar terms stated in the standby: i. a required document dated after the date of its stated presentation (Rule 4.06); or ii. the requirement that a document issued by the beneficiary be in the language of the standby (Rule 4.04). c. the following Rule relating to the operational integrity of the standby only in so far as the bank is in fact dealing with the true beneficiary: acceptance of a demand in an electronic medium (Rule 3.06(b)). Waiver by the confirmer requires the consent of the issuer with respect to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Rule. 3.12 Original Standby Lost, Stolen, Mutilated, or Destroyed a. If an original standby is lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed, the issuer need not replace it or waive any requirement that the original be presented under the standby. b. If the issuer agrees to replace an original standby or to waive a requirement for its presentation, it may provide a replacement or copy to the beneficiary without affecting the applicant's obligations to the issuer to reimburse, but, if it does so, the issuer must mark the replacement or copy as such. The issuer may, in its sole discretion, require indemnities satisfactory to it from the beneficiary and assurances from nominated persons that no payment has been made. Closure on Expiry Date3.13 Expiration Date on a Non-Business Day a. If the last day for presentation stated in a standby (whether stated to be the expiration date or the date by which documents must be received) is not a business day of the issuer or nominated person where presentation is to be made, then presentation made there on the first following business day shall be deemed timely. b. A nominated person to whom such a presentation is made must so notify the issuer. 3.14 Closure on a Business Day and Authorization of Another Reasonable Place for Presentation a. If on the last business day for presentation the place for presentation stated in a standby is for any reason closed and presentation is not timely made because of the closure, then the last day for presentation is automatically extended to the day occurring thirty calendar days after the place for presentation re-opens for business, unless the standby otherwise provides. b. Upon or in anticipation of closure of the place of presentation, an issuer may authorise another reasonable place for presentation in the standby or in a communication received by the benficiary. If it does so, then i. presentation must be made at that reasonable place; and ii. if the communication is received fewer than thirty calendar days before the last day for presentation and for that reason presentation is not timely made, the last day for presentation is automatically extended to the day occurring thirty calendar days after the last day for presentation. Rule 4 EXAMINATION4.01 Examination for Compliance a. Demands for honour of a standby must comply with the terms and conditions of the standby. b. Whether a presentation appears to comply is determined by examining the presentation on its face against the terms and conditions stated in the standby as interpreted and supplemented by these Rules which are to be read in the context of standard standby practice. 4.02 Non-Examination of Extraneous Documents Documents presented which are not required by the standby need not be examined and, in any event, shall be disregarded for purposes of determining compliance of the presentation. They may without responsibility be returned to the presenter or passed on with the other documents presented. 4.03 Examination for Inconsistency An issuer or nominated person is required to examine documents for inconsistency with each other only to the extent provided in the standby. 4.04 Language of Documents The language of all documents issued by the beneficiary is to be that of the standby. 4.05 Issuer of Documents Any required document must be issued by the beneficiary unless the standby indicates that the document is to be issued by a third person or the document is of a type that standard standby practice requires to be issued by a third person. 4.06 Date of Documents The issuance date of a required document may be earlier but not later than the date of its presentation. 4.07 Required Signature on a Document a. A required document need not be signed unless the standby indicates that the document must be signed or the document is of a type that standard standby practice requires be signed. b. A required signature may be made in any manner that corresponds to the medium in which the signed document is presented. c. Unless a standby specifies: i. the name of a person who must sign a document, any signature or authentication will be regarded as a complying signature; ii. the status of a person who must sign, no indication of status is necessary. d. If a standby specifies that a signature must be made by: i. a named natural person without requiring that the signer's status be identified, a signature complies that appears to be that of the named person; ii. a named legal person or government agency without identifying who is to sign on its behalf or its status, any signature complies that appears to have been made on behalf of the named legal person or government agency; or iii. a named natural person, legal person, or government agency requiring the status of the signer be indicated, a signature complies which appears to be that of the named natural person, legal person, or government agency and indicates its status. 4.08 Demand Document Implied If a standby does not specify any required document, it will still be deemed to require a documentary demand for payment. 4.09 Identical Wording and Quotation Marks If a standby requires: a. a statement without specifying precise wording, then the wording in the document presented must appear to convey the same meaning as that required by the standby; b. specified wording by the use of quotation marks, blocked wording, or an attached exhibit or form, then typographical errors in spelling, punctuation, spacing, or the like that are apparent when read in context are not required to be duplicated and blank lines or spaces for data may be completed in any manner not inconsistent with the standby; or c. specified wording by the use of quotation marks, blocked wording, or an attached exhibit or form, and also provides that the specified wording be "exact" or "identical", then the wording in the documents presented, including typographical errors in spelling, punctuation, spacing and the like, as well as blank lines and spaces for data, must be exactly reproduced. 4.10 Applicant Approval A standby should not specify that a required document be issued, signed, or counter-signed by the applicant. However, if the standby includes such a requirement, the issuer may not waive the requirement and is not responsible for the applicant's withholding of the document or signature. 4.11 Non-Documentary Terms or Conditions a. A standby term or condition which is non-documentary must be disregarded whether or not it affects the issuer's obligation to treat a presentation as complying or to treat the standby as issued, amended, or terminated. b. Terms or conditions are non-documentary if the standby does not require presentation of a document in which they are to be evidenced and if their fulfillment cannot be determined by the issuer from the issuer's own records or within the issuer's normal operations. c. Determinations from the issuer's own records or within the issuer's normal operations include determinations of: i. when, where, and how documents are presented or otherwise delivered to the issuer; ii. when, where, and how communications affecting the standby are sent or received by the issuer, beneficiary, or any nominated person; iii. amounts transferred into or out of accounts with the issuer; and iv. amounts determinable from a published index (e.g., if a standby provides for determining amounts of interest accruing according to published interest rates). d. An issuer need not re-compute a beneficiary's computations under a formula stated or referenced in a standby except to the extent that the standby so provides. 4.12 Formality of Statements in Documents a. A required statement need not be accompanied by a solemnity, officialization, or any other formality. b. If a standby provides for the addition of a formality to a required statement by the person making it without specifying form or content, the statement complies if it indicates that it was declared, averred, warranted, attested, sworn under oath, affirmed, certified, or the like. c. If a standby provides for a statement to be witnessed by another person without specifying form or content, the witnessed statement complies if it appears to contain a signature of a person other than the beneficiary with an indication that the person is acting as a witness. d. If a standby provides for a statement to be counter-signed, legalized, visaed, or the like by a person other than the beneficiary acting in a governmental, judicial, corporate, or other representative capacity without specifying form or content, the statement complies if it contains the signature of a person other than the beneficiary and includes an indication of that person's representative capacity and the organization on whose behalf the person has acted. 4.13 No Responsibility to Identify Beneficiary Except to the extent that a standby requires presentation of an electronic record: a. a person honouring a presentation has no obligation to the applicant to ascertain the identity of any person making a presentation or any assignee of proceeds; b. payment to a named beneficiary, transferee, an acknowledged assignee, successor by operation of law, to an account or account number stated in the standby or in a cover instruction from the beneficiary or nominated person fulfills the obligation under the standby to effect payment. 4.14 Name of Acquired or Merged Issuer or Confirmer If the issuer or confirmer is reorganized, merged, or changes its name, any required reference by name to the issuer or confirmer in the documents presented may be to it or its successor. 4.15 Original, Copy, and Multiple Documents a. A presented document must be an original. b. Presentation of an electronic record, where an electronic presentation is permitted or required is deemed to be an "original". с. i. A presented document is deemed to be an "original" unless it appears on its face to have been reproduced from an original. ii. A document which appears to have been reproduced from an original is deemed to be an original if the signature or authentication appears to be original. d. A standby that requires presentation of a "copy" permits presentation of either an original or copy unless the standby states that only a copy be presented or otherwise addresses the disposition of all originals. e. If multiples of the same document are requested, only one must be an original unless: i. "duplicate originals" or "multiple originals" are requested in which case all must be originals; or ii. "two copies", "two-fold", or the like are requested in which case either originals or copies may be presented. Standby Document Types4.16 Demand for Payment a. A demand for payment need not be separate from the beneficiary's statement or other required document. b. If a separate demand is required, it must contain: i. a demand for payment from the beneficiary directed to the issuer or nominated person; ii. a date indicating when the demand was issued; iii. the amount demanded; and iv. the beneficiary's signature. c. A demand may be in the form of a draft or other instruction, order, or request to pay. If a standby requires presentation of a "draft" or "bill of exchange", that draft or bill of exchange need not be in negotiable form unless the standby so states. 4.17 Statement of Default or Other Drawing Event If a standby requires a statement, certificate, or other recital of a default or other drawing event and does not specify content, the document complies if it contains: a. representation to the effect that payment is due because a drawing event described in the standby has occurred; b. a date indicating when it was issued; and c. the beneficiary's signature. 4.18 Negotiable Documents If a standby requires presentation of a document that is transferable by endorsement and delivery without stating whether, how, or to whom endorsement must be made, then the document may be presented without endorsement, or, if endorsed, the endorsement may be in blank and, in any event, the document may be issued or negotiated with or without recourse. 4.19 Legal or Judicial Documents If a standby requires presentation of a government-issued document, a court order, an arbitration award, or the like, a document or a copy is deemed to comply if it appears to be: i. issued by a government agency, court, tribunal, or the like; ii. suitably titled or named; iii. signed; iv. dated; and v. originally certified or authenticated by an official of a government agency, court, tribunal, or the like. 4.20 Other Documents a. If a standby requires a document other than one whose content is specified in these Rules without specifying the issuer, data content, or wording, a document complies if it appears to be appropriately titled or to serve the function of that type of document under standard standby practice. b. A document presented under a standby is to be examined in the context of standby practice under these Rules even if the document is of a type (such as a commercial invoice, transport documents, insurance documents or the like) for which the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits contains detailed rules. 4.21 Request to Issue Separate Undertaking If a standby requests that the beneficiary of the standby issue its own separate undertaking to another (whether or not the standby recites the text of that undertaking): a. the beneficiary receives no rights other than its rights to draw under the standby even if the issuer pays a fee to the beneficiary for issuing the separate undertaking; b. neither the separate undertaking nor any documents presented under it need be presented to the issuer; and c. if originals or copies of the separate undertaking or documents presented under it are received by the issuer although not required to be presented as a condition to honour of the standby: i. the issuer need not examine, and, in any event, shall disregard their compliance or consistency with the standby, with the beneficiary's demand under the standby, or with the beneficiary's separate undertaking; and ii. the issuer may without responsibility return them to the presenter or forward them to the applicant with the presentation. Rule 5 NOTICE, PRECLUSION, AND DISPOSITION OF DOCUMENTS5.01 Timely Notice of Dishonour a. Notice of dishonour must be given within a time after presentation of documents which is not unreasonable. i. Notice given within three business days is deemed to be not unreasonable and beyond seven business days is deemed to be unreasonable. ii. Whether the time within which notice is given is unreasonable does not depend upon an imminent deadline for presentation. iii. The time for calculating when notice of dishonour must be given begins on the business day following the business day of presentation. iv. Unless a standby otherwise expressly states a shortened time within which notice of dishonour must be given, the issuer has no obligation to accelerate its examination of a presentation. b. i. The means by which a notice of dishonour is to be given is by telecommunication, if available, and, if not, by another available means which allows for prompt notice. ii. If notice of dishonour is received within the time permitted for giving the notice, then it is deemed to have been given by prompt means. c. Notice of dishonour must be given to the person from whom the documents were received (whether the beneficiary, nominated person, or person other than a delivery person) except as otherwise requested by the presenter. 5.02 Statement of Grounds for Dishonour A notice of dishonour shall state all discrepancies upon which dishonour is based. 5.03 Failure to Give Timely Notice of Dishonour a. Failure to give notice of a discrepancy in a notice of dishonour within the time and by the means specified in the standby or these rules precludes assertion of that discrepancy in any document containing the discrepancy that is retained or represented, but does not preclude assertion of that discrepancy in any different presentation under the same or a separate standby. b. Failure to give notice of dishonour or acceptance or acknowledgment that a deferred payment undertaking has been incurred obligates the issuer to pay at maturity. 5.04 Notice of Expiry Failure to give notice that a presentation was made after the expiration date does not preclude dishonour for that reason. 5.05 Issuer Request for Applicant Waiver without Request by Presenter If the issuer decides that a presentation does not comply and if the presenter does not otherwise instruct, the issuer may, in its sole discretion, request the applicant to waive non-compliance or otherwise to authorise honour within the time available for giving notice of dishonour but without extending it. Obtaining the applicant's waiver does not obligate the issuer to waive noncompliance. 5.06 Issuer Request for Applicant Waiver upon Request of Presenter If, after receipt of notice of dishonour, a presenter requests that the presented documents be forwarded to the issuer or that the issuer seek the applicant's waiver: a. no person is obligated to forward the discrepant documents or seek the applicant's waiver; b. the presentation to the issuer remains subject to these Rules unless departure from them is expressly consented to by the presenter; and c. if the documents are forwarded or if a waiver is sought: i. the presenter is precluded from objecting to the discrepancies notified to it by the issuer; ii. the issuer is not relieved from examining the presentation under these Rules; iii. the issuer is not obligated to waive the discrepancy even if the applicant waives it; and iv. the issuer must hold the documents until it receives a response from the applicant or is requested by the presenter to return the documents, and if the issuer receives no such response or request within ten business days of its notice of dishonour, it may return the documents to the presenter. 5.07 Disposition of Documents Dishonoured documents must be returned, held, or disposed of as reasonably instructed by the presenter. Failure to give notice of the disposition of documents in the notice of dishonour does not preclude the issuer from asserting any defense otherwise available to it against honour. 5.08 Cover Instructions/Transmittal Letter a. Instructions accompanying a presentation made under a standby may be relied on to the extent that they are not contrary to the terms or conditions of the standby, the demand, or these Rules. b. Representations made by a nominated person accompanying a presentation may be relied upon to the extent that they are not contrary to the terms or conditions of a standby or these Rules. с. Notwithstanding receipt of instructions, an issuer or nominated person may pay, give notice, return the documents, or otherwise deal directly with the presenter. d. A statement in the cover letter that the documents are discrepant does not relieve the issuer from examining the presentation for compliance. 5.09 Applicant Notice of Objection a. An applicant must timely object to an issuer's honour of a noncomplying presentation by giving timely notice by prompt means. b. An applicant acts timely if it objects to discrepancies by sending a notice to the issuer stating the discrepancies on which the objection is based within a time after the applicant's receipt of the documents which is not unreasonable. c. Failure to give a timely notice of objection by prompt means precludes assertion by the applicant against the issuer of any discrepancy or other matter apparent on the face of the documents received by the applicant, but does not preclude assertion of that objection to any different presentation under the same or a different standby. Rule 6 TRANSFER, ASSIGNMENT, AND TRANSFER BY OPERATION OF LAWTransfer of Drawing Rights6.01 Request to Transfer Drawing Rights Where a beneficiary requests that an issuer or nominated person honour a drawing from another person as if that person were the beneficiary, these Rules on transfer of drawing rights ("transfer") apply. 6.02 When Drawing Rights are Transferable a. A standby is not transferable unless it so states. b. A standby that states that it is transferable without further provision means that drawing rights: i. may be transferred in their entirety more than once; ii. may not be partially transferred; and iii. may not be transferred unless the issuer (including the confirmer) or another person specifically nominated in the standby agrees to and effects the transfer requested by the beneficiary. 6.03 Conditions to Transfer An issuer of a transferable standby or a nominated person need not effect a transfer unless: a. it is satisfied as to the existence and authenticity of the original standby; and b. the beneficiary submits or fulfills: i. a request in a form acceptable to the issuer or nominated person including the effective date of the transfer and the name and address of the transferee; ii. the original standby; iii. verification of the signature of the person signing for the beneficiary; iv. verification of the authority of the person signing for the beneficiary; v. payment of the transfer fee; and vi. any other reasonable requirements. 6.04 Effect of Transfer on Required Documents Where there has been a transfer of drawing rights in their entirety: a. a draft or demand must be signed by the transferee beneficiary; and b. the name of the transferee beneficiary may be used in place of the name of the transferor beneficiary in any other required document. 6.05 Reimbursement for Payment Based on a Transfer An issuer or nominated person paying under a transfer pursuant to Rule 6.03(a), (b)(i), and (b)(ii) is entitled to reimbursement as if it had made payment to the beneficiary. Acknowledgment of Assignment of Proceeds6.06 Assignment of Proceeds Where an issuer or nominated person is asked to acknowledge a beneficiary's request to pay an assignee all or part of any proceeds of the beneficiary's drawing under the standby, these Rules on acknowledgment of an assignment of proceeds apply except where applicable law otherwise requires. 6.07 Request for Acknowledgment a. Unless applicable law otherwise requires, an issuer or nominated person: i. is not obligated to give effect to an assignment of proceeds which it has not acknowledged; and ii. is not obligated to acknowledge the assignment. b. If an assignment is acknowledged: i. the acknowledgment confers no rights with respect to the standby to the assignee who is only entitled to the proceeds assigned, if any, and whose rights may be affected by amendment or cancellation; and ii. the rights of the assignee are subject to: (a) the existence of any net proceeds payable to the beneficiary by the person making the acknowledgment; (b) rights of nominated persons and transferee beneficiaries; (c) rights of other acknowledged assignees; and (d) any other rights or interests that may have priority under applicable law. 6.08 Conditions to Acknowledgment of Assignment of Proceeds An issuer or nominated person may condition its acknowledgment on receipt of: a. the original standby for examination or notation; b. verification of the signature of the person signing for the beneficiary; c. verification of the authority of the person signing for the beneficiary; d. an irrevocable request signed by the beneficiary for acknowledgment of the assignment that includes statements, covenants, indemnities, and other provisions which may be contained in the issuer's or nominated person's required form requesting acknowledgment of assignment, such as: i. the identity of the affected drawings if the standby permits multiple drawings; ii. the full name, legal form, location, and mailing address of the beneficiary and the assignee; iii. details of any request affecting the method of payment or delivery of the standby proceeds; iv. limitation on partial assignments and prohibition of successive assignments; v. statements regarding the legality and relative priority of the assignment; or vi. right of recovery by the issuer or nominated person of any proceeds received by the assignee that are recoverable from the beneficiary; e. payment of a fee for the acknowledgment; and f. fulfillment of other reasonable requirements. 6.09 Conflicting Claims to Proceeds If there are conflicting claims to proceeds, then payment to an acknowledged assignee may be suspended pending resolution of the conflict. 6.10 Reimbursement for Payment Based on an Assignment An issuer or nominated person paying under an acknowledged assignment pursuant to Rule 6.08(a) and (b) is entitled to reimbursement as if it had made payment to the beneficiary. If the beneficiary is a bank, the acknowledgment may be based solely upon an authenticated communication. Transfer by Operation of Law6.11 Transferee by Operation of Law Where an heir, personal representative, liquidator, trustee, receiver, successor corporation, or similar person who claims to be designated by law to succeed to the interests of a beneficiary presents documents in its own name as if it were the authorised transferee of the beneficiary, these Rules on transfer by operation of law apply. 6.12 Additional Document in Event of Drawing in Successor's Name A claimed successor may be treated as if it were an authorised transferee of a beneficiary's drawing rights in their entirety if it presents an additional document or documents which appear to be issued by a public official or representative (including a judicial officer) and indicate: a. that the claimed successor is the survivor of a merger, consolidation, or similar action of a corporation, limited liability company, or other similar organization; b. that the claimed successor is authorised or appointed to act on behalf of the named beneficiary or its estate because of an insolvency proceeding; c. that the claimed successor is authorised or appointed to act on behalf of the named beneficiary because of death or incapacity; or d. that the name of the named beneficiary has been changed to that of the claimed successor. 6.13 Suspension of Obligation upon Presentation by Successor An issuer or nominated person which receives a presentation from a claimed successor which complies in all respects except for the name of the beneficiary: a. may request in a manner satisfactory as to form and substance: i. legal opinion; ii. an additional document referred to in Rule 6.12 (Additional Document in Event of Drawing in Successor's Name) from a public official; iii. statements, covenants, and indemnities regarding the status of the claimed successor as successor by operation of law; iv. payment of fees reasonably related to these determinations; and v. anything which may be required for a transfer under Rule 6.03 (Conditions to Transfer) or an acknowledgment of assignment of proceeds under Rule 6.08 (Conditions to Acknowledgment of Assignment of Proceeds); but such documentation shall not constitute a required document for purposes of expiry of the standby. b. Until the issuer or nominated person receives the requested documentation, its obligation to honour or give notice of dishonour is suspended, but any deadline for presentation of required documents is not thereby extended. 6.14 Reimbursement for Payment Based on a Transfer by Operation of Law An issuer or nominated person paying under a transfer by operation of law pursuant to Rule 6.12 (Additional Document in Event of Drawing in Successor's Name) is entitled to reimbursement as if it had made payment to the beneficiary. Rule 7 CANCELLATION7.01 When an Irrevocable Standby is Cancelled or Terminated A beneficiary's rights under a standby may not be cancelled without its consent. Consent may be evidenced in writing or by an action such as return of the original standby in a manner which implies that the beneficiary consents to cancellation. A beneficiary's consent to cancellation is irrevocable when communicated to the issuer. 7.02 Issuer's Discretion Regarding a Decision to Cancel Before acceding to a beneficiary's authorization to cancel and treating the standby as cancelled for all purposes, an issuer may require in a manner satisfactory as to form and substance: a. the original standby; b. verification of the signature of the person signing for the beneficiary; c. verification of the authorization of the person signing for the beneficiary; d. a legal opinion; e. an irrevocable authority signed by the beneficiary for cancellation that includes statements, covenants, indemnities, and similar provisions contained in a required form; f. satisfaction that the obligation of any confirmer has been cancelled; Страницы: | Стр. 1 | Стр. 2 | Стр. 3 | Стр. 4 | Стр. 5 | Стр. 6 | Стр. 7 | Стр. 8 | Стр. 9 | |
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