He was born in 1963, is married, has four children, he was brought
up in the family with many children,
his parents were born and live in Grodno region, he is not a member of any
party, 1980-1982 – military service, he obtained a distinction in the
special secondary school on the speciality “metal worker of KIPiA, 7 years
worked as a worker, then - as an engineer, joined his work with the
businessmen’s activity, he is ÊÌÑ in the boxing, he is a native citizen of
Belarus, he was born and brought up in Grodno, acts for the independent
sovereign state, for the friendly relations both with Russia and with West,
in April, 1999 he was sentenced to 13 day of administrative arrest for
organisation of the meeting in protection of the rights of customers by the
court of Leninsky district in Grodno. Since 1996 he has been constantly
"guarded" by the state (searches at the office
and home, constant arrests and detentions, calls to the prosecutor's
offices, militia, tax and other bodies, confiscation of property, search of
narcotics and weapon on anonymous calls, outside supervision, listening of
phone calls etc). In 2000 V. S. Levonevsky was refused
in registration as the candidate in the deputies of the Chamber of the
Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus as he
did not indicate a wood construction at the dacha of the parents (toilet)
in the declaration about the incomes. He has the own program of revival of
the economics of the Republic of Belarus.
Dear voter
2001 the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus will pass. It
depends on each of us how it will pass also who will be the following
At the first stage hundred thousand of
signatures for the potential candidate in the presidents are collected
during some weeks everywhere in the Republic of Belarus. The task is
difficult but it can be solved. Only members of the initiative group have
the right to collect signatures.
Therefore the more members of the initiative group we have the more chances
for success we will have.
We already now make up a list of
people who want to render us help. To the moment when the election are
declared (March - May), the list of members of the initiative group
(approximately 6.000 men) should be ready.
You are invited to become a member of
the initiative group of Valery Levonevsky. Even if you collect signatures
of your acquaintances, neighbours and relatives, you will make the
contribution to the common business.
I ask you to talk with your
acquaintances and to convince them to become members of my initiative
group. The lists of potential members of the initiative groups I ask to
send in my address within one week from the date when you receive this
In the list it is indicated: surname, name and patronymic
(completely), date of birth (date, month, year), place of residence of each
member of the group. In Russian and Belorussian. We would like you to
indicate your telephone number.
Yours faithfully Valery Levonevsky
Article 61. Nomination procedure to the President
of the Republic of Belarus
Nomination of the candidate in the President of the Republic of
Belarus by the citizens is realised by the initiative group of voters
(further – initiative group) in quantity not less than 100 men.
A person who is going to be nominated as the candidate in the
President of the Republic of Belarus gives the list of members of the initiative
group with the indicating of its chairman together with the application for
registration of the group to the Central commission not later than 85 days
prior to the election by. In a list it is indicated surname, name and
patronymic, date of birth, occupation, post (occupation), place of work and
residence, party membership of a person who is nominated as the candidate
in the President of the Republic of Belarus and surname, name and
patronymic, date of birth, place of residence of each member of the group
and its chairman.
The central commission in five-day term esteems the application,
registers the initiative group and gives the appropriate certificates and
subscription sheets to members of the initiative group to collect
signatures of voters to support a person who is nominated as the candidate
in the president of the Republic of Belarus (further - subscription sheet).
The initiative group is not registered if the requirements of this Code are
broken. The refusal to register the
initiative group can be appealed by the initiative group in three--day term
in the Supreme Court of the
Republic of Belarus (the
petition should be signed by the majority of its structure). The Supreme
Court of the Republic of Belarus esteems petition in three--day term.
In a subscription sheet you indicate a surname, name and patronymic,
date of birth, occupation, post (occupation), place of work and residence,
party membership of a person who is nominated as the candidate in the
President of the Republic of Belarus and also surname, name and patronymic
of a member of the initiative group who collects signatures and number of
registration of the initiative group. In a subscription sheet there should
be signatures of voters who live only in one inhabited locality and in cities
with district division - in one region.
The voter has the right to be signed to support a person who is
nominated as the candidate in the President of the Republic of Belarus only
for one time.
In a subscription sheet it is indicated a surname, name and
patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, serial and number of the
passport or properties which change his certificates of identity of the
voter who support a person who is nominated as the candidate in the
President of the Republic of Belarus. The data about the voter are written
down to the subscription sheet in a hand-written way. The voter by himself
puts a signature and a date of signature in a subscription sheet. The
signatures are numbered.
A member of the initiative group who executed collection of
signatures is responsible for the validity of the data included to the
subscription sheets.
Participation of the administration of an organisation in collection
of signatures as well as enforcement during the collection of signatures and
reward of voters for a signature are not allowed. The breach of these
requirements can be the basis for the refusal in registration or
cancellation of the solution about the registration of the candidate in the
President of the Republic of Belarus.
Personal manual signature of a member of the initiative group who
collected the signatures of voters is put on each subscription sheet when
the chairman or vice-chairman of the municipal (city of regional and
district subordination), settlement, village executive committee, head or
assistant of the head of the district management in a city where the
collection of signatures was realised is present and in cities and
settlements of the urban type – where municipal and settlement executive
committees are not formed – if the chairman or vice-chairman district
executive committee is present and it is immediately made sure by the
sample of this body.
Voters who have nominated a candidate in the President of the
Republic of Belarus have the right up to hand subscription sheets over in
district, municipal, district in a city commission on the election of the
President of the Republic of Belarus to remove their signatures in
subscription sheets having submitted the application about it in the
The subscription sheets are handed over not later than 50 days
before the election in district, municipal, district in city commission on
the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus which in ten--day
term checks up the validity of signatures of voters in subscription sheets
handed by members of the initiative group and provides validity of the data
about quantity of such signatures. Not less than 20 percents of signatures
of voters in subscription sheets handed over to the appropriate commission
have to be checked.
According to the results of check of the data in subscription sheets
the signature of the voter can be recognised valid or doubtful.
The signatures of voters and data appropriate to them which are in
subscription sheets but eliminated (crossed out) by a member of the
initiative group who collected signatures before representation of
subscription sheets to the appropriate commission if this was specially
indicated by him have not to be checked.
As doubtful signatures are considered:
Dummy signatures;
Signatures of voters executed on behalf of different persons faces
by one person or on behalf of one person by other person;
Signatures of voters who do not possess the suffrage;
Signatures of voters who have indicated false data in a subscription
Signatures of voters which have been collected before the term of
the nomination of the candidates;
Signatures of voters when one or several data demanded by the
present Code are absent;
Signatures of voters who live not in one inhabited locality and in
cities with district division - not in one district;
Signatures of voters if the data about them are written down to a
subscription sheet not in a hand-written way and if signatures date of depositing
of which are made not by the voters themselves;
All signatures of voters in a subscription sheet if signatures are
collected by a person who is not a member of the initiative group or if a
subscription sheet is not signed by a member of the initiative group or is
signed by other member of the initiative group who did not collect these
signatures or is not proved by a sample of a local executive and efficient
body in the territory of which signatures were collected;
Signatures of voters collected with the breaches of the requirements
of the eighth part of this article.
In the case when several signatures of the same voter to support the
nomination of the same candidate are found only one signature is valid and
other signatures are considered to be in valid.
If the quantity of the in valid signatures of voters found at the
check will make more than 15% from the quantity of checked signatures the
additional check of 15% of signatures of voters from the number of
signatures in subscription sheets handed over to the appropriate commission
by a member of the initiative group is carried out.
In case when general quantity of in valid signatures of voters found
at the check make more than 15 % from the general number of the checked
signatures in subscription sheets further check of signatures in
subscription sheets by the district, municipal, district in city
commission is stopped and all signatures of voters in handed over
subscription sheets are not taken into the account when the result of
collection of signatures of voters in district, city, district in city is
Regional and Minsk municipal commission at the election of the
President of the Republic of Belarus can also check the validity of
signatures in subscription sheets in five--day term if necessary.
On the basis of the protocols of district, municipal, district in
cities commissions at the election of the President of the Republic of
Belarus about the installation of the number of voters signed in
subscription sheets to nominate a candidate in the President and results of
checks of validity of signatures of voters in subscription sheets conducted
by regional, Minsk municipal commission regional, Minsk municipal
commission on the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus sums
up in region, Minsk, makes the protocol about it and immediately sends it
to the Central commission.