Attention!!! The charitable action «OUR CITY»
Dear sirs! We invite you to take part in the series of the charitable Actions «Our city». The actions are held under the initiative of the Grodno trade union of the citizens, businessmen and persons working on hiring, the United Civil party in the Grodno region, the Grodno urban centre of protection of the rights of the consumer, the company “Lion”, the Grodno urban organisation - Belorussian Organisation of the Working Women (BOWW) and the Byelorussian Free Trade union. The second stage of the action in Grodno will take place from 29.10.99 till 29.11.99. Those who need help, people who want to hand over of a thing or to help concrete families can communicate with us or receive the information about the action during working days on the phone from 9.30 till 12.00 (Marina Alexandrovna), 72-00-72 from 18.00 till 19.00(the hotel “Neman”, room 201), pager: subscriber 95200. The things will be distributed and gathered by people specially authorized to this (a plastic certificate with a seal of the Grodno organisation of the working women or of the trade union of the businessmen). The help will be given, first of all, families having many children, children's houses, mothers who bring up children without fathers, needy and pensioners. The part of things will be distributed between enterprises which have primary organisations of Free trade unions and the Belorussian Organisation of the Working Women. We invite the chiefs of the enterprises of the city, volunteers and the public to co-operate with us.
Valery Levonevsky
tel./fax (0152) , pager (0152) subscriber 95200,
The City news
25.09.1999 in Grodno the legal seminar organised by the Belorussian Organisation of the Working Women (BOWW) – M. Alieva, (V. Vasilieva, M. Levonevskaya), the Free Trade union Belorussky (FTUB) – I. Bairoshevskaya ("Shrimps"), A. Zatsepin (the Fine-cloth Factory), the Grodno branch of the Belorussian Helsinki committee. (A. Antonuk) took place. The lecturers were the skilled lawyers and representatives of the ministry of social protection. The basic theme of a seminar – the protection of the rights of a woman and child, the right of mother, the protection of social guarantees of working women.
Record on seminars
for working women tel. (0152) 31- 30-62 (in the evening)
There are the participants of the seminar at the photo
1, photo 2.
In the second half of September in the building of the Grodno Medical Institute, to our mind, the presentation of the very interesting program was held. The citizens of the Republic of Belarus (from Grodno - 10 men) can visit the USA for some weeks (at the expense of the accepting part) on a line of public organisations and small business. The application forms for the participation in the program are accepted till 23.11.99. The position-finding departure - February, April, 2000. So try your luck! Everyone has the chance to see the USA personally.
On a photo: the chairman of the Grodno branch of the Belorussian Helsinki Committee (BHC) A. Antonuk discusses the conditions of the participation in the competition with the co-ordinator of the program.
Anonymous authors
In the Republic of Belarus it already is a good tradition to involve bodies of internal affairs and special services to eliminate political opponents to an existing mode.
Grodno is not an exception. Those who passed this city 16.10.99 paid attention to the huge amount of the armed and unarmed people in the form of the militia. All exits the city were tightly closed. All Special services were transferred into the battle formation of roster. Many employees are caused from the houses (16.10.99 is a day off - Saturday). «What happens» - the citizens and visitors of Grodno were perplexed. As it is appeared in Grodno and region the operation on restriction of movement of Valery Levonevsky who was going to distribute balls and sweets to children at the MARCH of FREEDOM in Minsk approached to the culmination moment.
The chronicle of events:
9.10.99 an outside supervision of special services over the man with the use of technical means and special technologies of the supervision is found out. Strange things happened with my home and service telephone.
16.10.99 Approximately at 17.00 at the exit from Grodno the car of A. Vasiliev in which Valery Levonevsky was as the passenger was detained. The car was full of souvenirs for children from Minsk. The protocol of the detention was not made, the reasons were not explained. On the question about the reasons of the detention one of the militiamen taken "the truncheon" out with words: «Now we shall register the resistance». On the portable radio transmitter the order was given: a car with the passenger should be delivered in DIA of Leninsky District of Grodno. The special stress was made on the passenger. A formal occasion of the detention – the drawing up of the administrative protocol for the distribution of the leaflets about the MARCH of FREEDOM. The protocol was made on the article which envisaged …. the warning or fine in the size of 1 minimal wages. While the protocol was made and "heart-felt" conversations was carried out (approximately two hours) other very interesting documents were prepared in DIA of October district of Grodno. It appears that the actions of Levonevsky were described in the next anonymous letter in which they affirmed that Valery Levonevsky visited Minsk on the trade-union’s businesses to pay the trade-union dues.
Well, a reader will think. It is an internal business of the trade union. Article 23 of the law of the Republic of Belarus «About professional unions» forbids the state to control the trade-union dues. But probably in DIA of October District of Grodno they did read the current legislation. This anonymous letter was a reason for the further detention of Valery Levonevsky and the realisation of investigation actions in DIA of October District of Grodno.
Most interesting things are in the following:
1)it is not the first anonymous letter. On previous anonymous letters the checks were carried out, the breaches were not found out, the liar was not found.
2)the anonymous letter was written 15.10.99 in the Regional AIA (the date is specified in the anonymous letter). Previously having carried out his detention 16.10.99 (on Saturday at night) Levonevsky was already interrogated in DIA of October District of Grodno. It is an efficiency. The complaints of the citizens (with the signatures) are examined by the militia. Usually from the application to the beginning actions on it 5-10 days passes.
3)at the envelope of the anonymous letter a seal of the post-office of the sender and addresser is absent.
I had a steady opinion that this anonymous letter was born in the studies of the native Regional AIA of Grodno. Why? It is impossible technically, passing the post-office, to transfer an anonymous letter in AIA of the Grodno executive committee. The entrance in AIA is guarded by a militiaman, the entry only with the special admissions, the box for the appeals of the citizens is absent.
So. They write themselves and discuss themselves!!!
About 23.00 I was released, but as it was appeared not for a long time. Having driven off in the car a half of the kilometre, we have paid attention to a group of cars with the blacked out glasses which followed us. We tried to lose contact with them. But it was useless. 20 minutes we together with them skimmed along streets of the city, forests and environs of Grodno. Having seen a car of the militia we rushed to it to ask for help. The cars which followed us have stopped in 150 meters from us. We asked to establish who these persons are. But the militia to establish their persons (though in this point there were three cars of the militia). 23.30 we were announced that we are detained before arrival of a strategical group. The strategical group arrived at 2 a. m. (I shall remind that we were in Grodno). And the strategical group was from DIA of Grodno region!?. We were announced that the anonymous call at 1 a. m. (!!!) was got, and they said that in this car there were drugs. At first we are detained (23.30) and in half an hour the anonymous call about drugs (1.00) is made and the militia come to arrest us (2.00). The militiaman who detained us probably knew that in half an hour there will be an anonymous call about drugs.
The car was carefully searched, the contents of all things was scrupulously copied. We were released after 4.00 a. m. but again with the escort of the an outside supervision of special services. To come off again it was not possible, having bitter experience and not wishing to be detained next time to be searched (for example they will want to find a mine) we went to bed. In the morning all repeated. We went into the forest and they with us, we on call of nature and they with cameras and video-cameras, we behind them - they from us. The roads are surrounded. In the result we did not brought balls to children from Minsk.
As spoke one movie hero "I feel hurt for the power".
Hundreds professionals, equipment, tens of cars, budget money all is thrown not to let one man leave Grodno or to fabricate a business. Decent people and people with high IQ are forced to be engaged in the political investigation and in "dirty" work made to order. The murderers and the thieves will wait. And it is necessary to isolate people with another opinion which differs from the opinion of one well-known impostor.
The order, unfortunately, in the militia is higher than the law. And we know who gives the orders back.
I do not feel hurt for those militiamen who did their work. And they did it honesty. The task was not to let me leave the city, they have done it. It is a professional work. But who needs it? How many criminals could be exposed, if these people and the means were not directed against the progressively adjusted citizens.
Someone will say that in the militia there are not enough professionals. And we shall see. I am sure, that written and telephone anonymous authors (if such really were) will be found in the near future. I wrote the appropriate applications in the militia (this anonymous authors cause huge harm not only to me but also to the poor state budget). Business of honour of our militiamen is to find these mean people.
Today I again got summons on the next "business". I have got used to this. And you?
Valery Levonevsky (Photo…)